Obscenely warm weather and hard case of the sneezes have alerted my senses to the existence of spring. Once again the time has come to clear out the dust bunnies, scarp the old swimsuit thats elastic has the stretch of soggy spaghetti, and clean.
Why is it we choose spring as the time to rip open our closets, grab our skeletons, and stick them on the curb for the whole neighborhood to see? Wouldn't winter be a more appropriate season, when everyone is too cold to peer out their windows at their neighbors' dirty laundry?
It has been said that a person's living space be it bedroom, living room, office, or car reflects the place he/she is in in life. A messy room means a person's life has become scattered, and disorganized. Perhaps it too has developed the aroma of unwashed socks. Perhaps, this is what prompts the urge for a good April or May clean. But, what about people who are just messy? Is spring cleaning and the theory of house reflecting life not just a big fat insult to their way of life?
Maybe. Regardless, there is dust to bust and dirt to devil--best get scouring.
Spring Cleaning
Posted by
5:52 PM
Breakup Etiquette
Until recently, the phrase "breakup etiquette" was more foreign to me than the concept of deep fried twinkies (yet equally unappetizing). A good friend's breakup has lead me to question the "rules" of post-breakup behavior. What are these rules? Who wrote them? Where can I get a copy?
Breakups are a tricky thing as one world transitions back into two during awkward exchange of socks and cds. Neither party knows exactly what to say, or when to say it. Customarily there is a grace period between first breakup and last goodbye, allowing each member to cool there jets, self reflect, construct apologies, and beg for forgiveness. What happens when that grace period doesn't exist?
How are two beings expected to coexist when one ignores the so called "space" the terminated relationship needs?
The problem I see is this: there are no rules.
Nowhere does is say "Thou shall not call for 48 hours after breakup," "Thou shall not fear ex's decision to take up krav maga," "Thou shall throw ex's dirty laundry in closest dumpster."
Therefore, with no rules, or rather, guidelines, we are left in the dark wondering if our actions fit into this neat little box with a time stamp on it revolving around said dumpage.
So to this I say scrap the crap about breakup etiquette. Do unto your new ex as you would have him/her do unto you. There is no proper dumping, so why waste the time fretting? No one expects you to act like a lady or gentleman. There are no finishing schools for this stuff, so tip your hats adieu, go about your lives, and let a new relationships (and most likely new breakups) ensue.
Posted by
10:10 AM
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